Tuesday, February 17, 2009

No Rigs but Lots of Fish!

No Rigs but Lots of Fish!

experimenting with a feature on Hubpages - have y'all read this one yet?


David Bruce Jr said...

Hey there hubber with 50 hubs.

I'm not a NC native, but I have clients that are. I do publicity and have been doing research on NC

... You can't write about someplace if you don't know anything about the place.
I'm falling in love with NC.

... I do search engine optimization first and writing second.
It looks like you do writing first:

Can I interest you in my client paying for a text link on one or more of your hubs?

The genre is hunting and fishing (now wondering if you're opposed to hunting- I hope not)


Dineane said...

I'm not opposed to hunting...but linkng for your client would just depend on the content - feel free to email me to discuss further.